Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day!

So I just participated in my first ever may day march, and it was pretty awesome. There was a huge number of people marching through chinatown, through downtown, and then finally ending up at key stadium.
I usually participate in the black bloc during protests, as I did today,
but there was a fairly small anarchist turnout today. Not the largest anarchy presence I've seen at rallies and protests, but certinally not the smallest.
The groups who had the largest turnout it seems were the unions and the teamsters, as well as a large number of immigrants. It was really an amazing thing to see all these people of different cultures and beliefs marching together in a demonstration of collective rage against the powers that be.
For three hours Seattle's air was pollututed with anti-authoritarian chants and slogans in English and Spanish. Darkly dressed teens cussed out the cops and paved the streets with flyers.
Perhaps we didn't accomplish much, but we were heard. and sometimes that's enough.

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